A National Organisation Funded By the Very People it Serves to Protect

Lawful Observers

Lawful Observers are trained to defend your rights, hold perpetrators accountable and help you to obtain the remedy & justice when a crime has been committed.  

Our national sovereignty has been surrendered and foreign unelected political elite now impose regulations contrary to a free society. We are being told we must obey laws and regulations served upon us by international treaties and this is in complete contravention to the principles of democratic governance.  The agenda and governance of the political establishment is not compatible with the best interests of the British people with increasing crimes and offences being perpetrated against them. We are increasingly witnessing the police failing to uphold the law, oblivious to unlawfulness, or unwilling to challenge lawmakers that have become lawbreakers.  

The police have a duty to support the people against unlawful governance and it is an integral component of our mandate to educate and evidence to them their legal and moral obligation to serve only in the best interest of the British people.  We acknowledge the difficulty of serving police officers acting against the present culture of policing, a culture that has promoted the imposition of statute laws in defiance of our common law rights. We understand that a change of culture and perspective takes courage, and patience on our part, but those guilty of crimes against the people should be charged and brought to trial and if the police refuse to act, then we the people must take matters in hand. 

The ultimate responsibility of protecting sovereignty and individual rights rest with the people, but this must be done responsibly, lawfully and peaceably.  

This is why we have formed a national organisation funded by the very people it serves to protect. Lawful Observers are trained to defend your rights, hold perpetrators accountable and help you to obtain the remedy & justice when a crime has been committed.  

Your own private security service and peace of mind.