Have you got what our new world needs?

Lawful ObserversThe formation of a national organisation of Lawful Observers ensures a well-trained, disciplined, and proactive establishment of volunteers who can progressively take control of law enforcement in the absence of the police doing so. Our Lawful Observer courses are accredited & certified by Highfield Qualifications, the main awarding body in the UK, and can be used by NGO’s who work within the rule of law principles, Enforcement Agents, Private Security, and private individuals.  Once a student has successfully completed all modules of the full course, they will have the option to function as a Lawful Observer [volunteer] within their Community.

  • Lawful Observers are mandated to confront crimes where the police have refused to act, inclusive of crimes and institutional criminality perpetrated by magistrates, bailiffs, civil servants, politicians, banks and the police services. 
  • Lawful Observers take an oath to uphold the law and act only in the best interests of the people, to counter unlawful governance and suppression of individual rights.

By way of necessity, it is vital for Lawful Observers to be aware of current Statute Law in several areas. A clear and concise understanding of the widely accepted law, as it is interpreted today, will aid in the identification and proper evidencing of incidents and offences committed by establishment agencies. Without this ability, it will not be possible to achieve successful prosecutions.

Being prepared and well-informed provides the best form of defence in the event that unlawful or disproportionate actions are being taken against the public & individuals. A number of recent scandals have severely impacted on the credibility of the traditional police services, parliamentary processes and the bias of the mainstream media. All of which are acting unlawfully, unethically and possibly conspiratorially.

Fortunately, there is a way to robustly challenge these issues. The advantages of social proof will work in our favour. It is possible to evidence that established processes jeopardise our welfare and freedoms. We will help others recognise that inaccurate media, incompetence, and widespread unlawfulness need not be tolerated. We will encourage and support others to disengage from this corrupt mechanism and initiate change. 

By participating as a Lawful Observer you are being given an opportunity to challenge the establishment censorship and laws and bring lawbreakers to justice.